
Gekko 交易機器人 - TEMA 策略 (Triple EMA strategy),附帶有安全網機制 (SafetyNet) 來避免在熊市被套牢

這是一個以 EMA (指數移動平均) 決定做多做空的交易策略,但當短期趨勢超過了 EMA 線則會在上方使用一個更長時間的 SMA (簡單移動平均) 作為整個交易系統的安全網 (SafetyNet),在短期的 SMA 超越這個安全網前會避免任何可能被套牢的交易。所以簡單理解的概念就是在市場看多的時候進行交易,而市場下跌時則避免摻入其中,但實際上的運作狀況仍然有待測試。

JS Code :
Triple EMA strategy with 'safety net'
Uses 1x TEMA to go long/short if short trend is over TEMA.
On top of this it uses a longer SMA as a safety net and simple
stays out of the market if short SMA is under that SMA.
The general idea is to buy in good market conditions and simply not
be a part of longer downwards trends.

// req's
var log = require ('../core/log.js');
var config = require ('../core/util.js').getConfig();

// strategy
var strat = {

/* INIT */
init: function()
// base
this.name = 'TEMA';
this.requiredHistory = config.tradingAdvisor.historySize;
this.debug = false; // outputs messages, set to false to increase performance

// add indicators and reset trend
this.addTulipIndicator('maSlow', 'tema', { optInTimePeriod: this.settings.long });
this.addTulipIndicator('maFast', 'sma', { optInTimePeriod: this.settings.short });

// check if long SMA is to be used
if( this.settings.SMA_long > 0 )
this.useSafety = true;
this.addTulipIndicator('maSlowest', 'sma', { optInTimePeriod: this.settings.SMA_long });

// set startTime to measure execution time @ end()
this.startTime = new Date();

}, // init()

resetTrend: function()
var trend = {
duration: 0,
direction: 'none',
longPos: false,

this.trend = trend;

}, // resetTrend()

/* CHECK */
check: function()
// do nothing if we don't got enough history
if( this.candle.close.length < this.requiredHistory ) return;

// fetch indicators
let ti = this.tulipIndicators;
let maFast = ti.maFast.result.result,
maSlow = ti.maSlow.result.result;

// check if safety option > 0
if( this.useSafety )
let maSlowest = ti.maSlowest.result.result;
if( maSlow < maSlowest )
return; // quit

// other rules
if( maFast > maSlow ) { this.long(); }
else if( maFast < maSlow ) { this.short(); }

}, // check()

/* LONG */
long: function()
if( this.trend.direction !== 'up' )
this.trend.direction = 'up';

if( this.debug )
log.debug ('Positive since', this.trend.duration, 'candle(s)');

/* SHORT */
short: function()
if( this.trend.direction !== 'down' )
this.trend.direction = 'down';

if( this.debug )
log.debug ('Negative since', this.trend.duration, 'candle(s)');

/* END */
end: function()
let seconds = ((new Date()- this.startTime)/1000),
minutes = seconds/60,

minutes < 1 ? str = seconds + ' seconds' : str = minutes + ' minutes';

log.debug('Finished in ' + str);

}; // strat{}

/* EXPORT */
module.exports = strat;

Toml Code : 
# Short / Long (EMA/TEMA)
short = 10
long = 80

# Safety (SMA, 0 = disable)
SMA_long = 200




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TLS / SSL 金鑰轉檔,「.crt / .key」如何轉成「.pem」?( OpenSSL 教學)

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